The naked pitcher represents the attempt to make strategy simple. The naked pitcher is a “low cost” approach to strategy. The naked pitcher represents the essence of an approach that proved to be effective with many different startups in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
In my experience with many young entrepreneurs from all over the world, I realized that very often what they really need beforehand are very basical informations on how to manage a consistent, quick and affective approach about strategy, postponing to a different/future stage further and more complete insights.
Time is scarce and they want to know: how to present their idea; how to depict an affective business plan; why the two above-mentioned points are so important; how to pitch communicating their business idea at its best.
The naked pitcher aims to represents exactly the answer to this specific need and therefore is not a manual or either a book about strategy but a simple vademecum ready to employ at the very beginning of an entrepreneurial journey.
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