The naked pitcher

Editore: Licosia
Anno edizione: 2018
In commercio dal: 1 gennaio 2018
Tipo: Libro tecnico professionale
Pagine: Brossura
EAN: 9788899796563

Are you a circular or straight start up?  And your entrepreneurial style is Kipling or a Parsifal-like? Following the experience of many years of consulting and teaching Prof. Massimiliano Bellavista proves an enjoyable and back –to-basic approach to strategy. The naked pitcher is a “low cost”, simple and fast approach to strategy that proved to be successful with many different startups in the Euro-Mediterranean region: it is not a manual neither a book about strategy but a ready-to-employ vademecum for your entrepreneurial journey. If you are somebody interested in understanding how strategy can be effectively applied to start up management, this is probably your book.   If you are an entrepreneur, and you want to get the basic concepts necessary to have a successful one avoiding the usual pitfalls, this is your book. If you are in a multi-ethnic or in a multicultural team and you want to transform it into a successful firm, this is definitely your book!!!


The naked pitcher represents the attempt to make strategy simple. The naked pitcher is a “low cost” approach to strategy. The naked pitcher represents the essence of an approach that proved to be effective with many different startups in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

In my experience with many young entrepreneurs from all over the world, I realized that very often what they really need beforehand are very basical informations on how to manage a consistent, quick and affective approach about strategy, postponing to a different/future stage further and more complete insights.

Time is scarce and they want to know: how to present their idea; how to depict an affective business plan; why the two above-mentioned points are so important; how to pitch communicating their business idea at its best.

The naked pitcher aims to represents exactly the answer to this specific need and therefore is not a manual or either a book about strategy but a simple vademecum ready to employ at the very beginning of an entrepreneurial journey.

Massimiliano Bellavista (Siena, 1973) is a senior international advisor in industrial development, strategy, marketing and compliance. Founder and managing partner of Keirion ( Business network and cluster management expert ( and international Lead Auditor.  He earned an M.B.A. degree in 2001. Professor of strategic management at Siena University ( and at EMUNI University (  He’s a business storyteller, coach, blogger and writer.


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